Thursday, June 11, 2009

Things I've Learned This Week

I was thinking earlier of all the things that have happened so far this week, and thought I'd make a list.

-When it rains, it pours. I swear it has been raining all week. And we won't be seeing the sun anytime soon, it's supposed to rain for the next week.

-There is such a thing as to many people helping to paint.

-When you get 4 girls together late at night, you never know what will happen.

-A smelly old free couch can be a lot of fun.

-Too much stress over a long period of time can be bad for your health. But even after loosing 20 pounds because of that stress, you can gain it back even if it takes over 2 1/2 years.

-Not getting enough sleep is a bad thing. It causes you to fall asleep during work and can make you think the car is gliding sideways while driving.

-Ants are impossible to get rid of when they get in the house.

-When given 3 weeks to do something, don't put it off till the last 3 days.

-Motorola brand phones should be shot! They're all horrible and don't work properly.

-No matter how many times you shower after painting, you still find paint that didn't wash off.

-It is possible to save your money for something you really want.

-Having a pool is pointless when it won't stop raining. The same goes for having a hammock.

-Next time everyone is doing chin ups at work, I'll save myself the embarrassment of not being able to even do one.

-Hours can be wasted on youtube when you're only planning on looking at one thing.

-Allergies are horrible and annoying.

-Co-workers have the funniest and craziest stories to tell.

-Even though there's nothing worth watching late at night, you still can't turn off the tv.

-Just because it's 1:00 in the morning, doesn't mean that I'll be tired.

And with it being 1:00 in the morning, I'm gonna turn off the laptop and the tv and try to fall asleep before having to get up at 6:00.


Suey said...

Those are ALL great life lessons...I think I still have some paint on my feet. It never goes away. Like a constant reminder of the fabulous fun associated with painting. As for the stinky couches...we wont go there!

Anonymous said...

I have learned many of those lessons myself... esp. the one about the car gliding sideways... way trippy!! I love you friend!! :D