Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Wedding Day...

It's May 5, 2009, 2:06 in the morning. Why am I still awake you ask? Because today my brother is getting married. And for those of you that know me well, not only am I a night owl, but I put things off till the last minute sometimes.
I got home from work late, so I didn't get everything done that I had planned on, which means that I'll be rushing around in the morning (or should I say later this morning) trying to get it all done. The reason I'm on the computer now is because I needed to download pictures off of my camera so I can make room for a ton of pictures of the wedding, and I needed to charge the camera too.
I swear it took me like 10 minutes to decide which purple or lavendar nail polish to use to paint my toes. (Hayley and Christian's colors are black, purple, lavendar, and cream). So I had to figure out which one would match my bridesmaid dress the best. I think I finished painting my toenails around midnight, then watched tv for an hour to make sure they dried all the way. By 1:00 I was starting to get tired, but this show came on called Ace of Cakes (I think) that my neighbor had told me about. And the first one on was these people making a Hogwarts style cake for the Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix premier. So I just had to watch that, but all the while thinking that I should turn on my laptop and download the pictures from my camera. Well I finished that episode and started watching the next one, and finally decided that I needed to go bed or I wasn't gonna be able to get up in the morning.
So here I am, pictures downloaded (there's some fun ones from a movie night at my house, including the hole in the wall), camera charging, nails painted and dried, in my pj's, sitting on my bed, but I'm not tired. How is it that my brother is asleep in the next room, and I'm wide awake? He was asking for sleeping pills earlier cause he didn't think he'd be able to sleep tonight. He didn't find any, so how is he sleeping? Maybe he's awake and wondering what I'm still doing up.....
Anyways, today I get another sister, and I'm so happy! It's sad to know that my brother won't be coming home on the weekends, but it's not like we saw him all that much when he did. And I get his room again! I plan to make it into a craft room for all of my jewelry making and scrapbooking stuff.
So on to a day that I'm sure will be long, but I know will be great!
But first, some sleep.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

First Post

I've been wanting to start a blog for a while, in fact I started one over a year ago but couldn't figure out how to post pictures in the order that I wanted to so I gave up. Then I actually thought of a name for my blog, but couldn't figure out how to change it or change the URL. So here I am, at 2:00 am (I will explain why I'm up so late in the next post), and decided that I wanted to post a blog and was determined to figure out how to change the things I wanted changed. So I called on my good friend Google, and figured it out.

So, without further ado, here's my blog: Life In Gillian's Shoes